topic: Website and Logo Design

Your website and logo are two incredibly important aspects for not only establishing a DPC clinic but any business. They’re the first point of contact between you and potential patients, and the impact they make will go a long way to determining whether or not patients choose your practice.

A good website has to look professional, be intuitive and easy to navigate and provide any information and details that patients may require to get in contact with you for further consultation.

A good logo should be attractive, distinctive, and simple. Its function is to relay meaning and communicate an intended message about your practice. It should conceptualize your practice, stand out among others in the same field and be easily recognizable to whoever sees it.

Logos are tricky things to create; it’s advisable to contact a graphic designer rather than do it yourself. Since it’s going to be part of the face of your clinic, it needs to be professional and svelte. Alternatively, many website design studios also offer this service as part of their web design packages (see below).

When it comes down to designing both a website, you have a number of options at your disposal.

Website and Logo Design

Do It Yourself

If you’re someone who’s relatively tech-savvy, then designing your own website and logo might be a fun and worthwhile challenge.
There are a number of companies that make the process fairly straightforward. All you need is a basic eye for detail and the ability to follow a tutorial or two if you get stuck at some point during the design process. - How to video with Dr. Kurk

Squarespace, Wix, and GoDaddy are just three examples of website builders that are designed to help people design their own website. They offer a number of different templates and prepacked elements which can be arranged to build a professional-looking and fairly functional website. If you’re not happy with those choices, simply Google “website builder” and you’ll be presented with dozens of more companies offering the same service.

Website Layout

If you opt for the DIY route, you’ll have to design your own website layout. There are a number of pages common to most websites which yours should include as well. These pages include:

  • Home
  • About Us
  • Our Team
  • Benefits
  • Our Fees
  • FAQ
  • Join
  • Contact us

If you’re stuck for ideas and want a general feel of what should be on your website, take a look at the site any other well-established DPC clinic and see what makes it great. Include these aspects on your own website while taking care to develop your own voice and brand which differentiates you from other clinics on the market.

Here are some examples:

You will also want to include your privacy policy, as well as links to all of the social media accounts you set up earlier.

View Privacy Policy Sample

Hire a Professional

Hiring a professional website designer is advised if you want something high-quality and hard-hitting, or if you just want to save time.

Since most people use the internet in order to connect them with goods or services, the importance of a good website can’t be overstated, and in most cases is definitely worth paying for.

A professional website design studio will work with you every step of the way to ensure that your website is attractive and functional in every aspect. They will also help you develop the content of the site itself, and ensure that your website encapsulates your clinic’s message and mission.

Based on web designers that we’ve worked within the past, we can recommend Care ID. Check out their website below: