topic: Maintaining Compliance

For DPC clinics and any other healthcare institution, regulatory compliance is needed to protect staff, ensure quality patient care, prevent fraud as well as maintain privacy and usage standards when it comes to patient information.

Maintaining Compliance

Applying for a CLIA Waiver

In order to perform tests that meet risk, error and complexity requirements under  CLIA, you’ll also need to apply for a CLIA waiver.

You can find all of the information here:

Online Resources

There are a number of different online resources that contain valuable and reliable information that you can utilize to ensure that your DPC clinic adheres to rigid compliance standards:

  • MedTrainer is an all-in-one compliance management suite that lets you train employees, manage records, compile incident reports and more. 
  • The CDC implements many of the regulations related to protecting the country from healthcare threats. As such, they’re one of the go-to regulatory bodies should you need more in-depth compliance information.
  • The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments ( CLIA) of 1988 regulates all laboratory testing – with the exception of research – performed on human specimens with the purpose of health assessment, or to diagnose, prevent, or treat disease. They can provide valuable insight when it comes to research and testing standards.
  • The Occupational Safety and Health Administration sets the standard when it comes to ensuring safe working conditions for American workers across a variety of industries.
  • The DPC Manual is an invaluable resource put together by DPC physician Kimberly Legg Corba. It outlines in detail compliance policies and procedures that doctors should adhere to when developing their DPC clinic.