topic: Convert Patients From Your Current Practice

If you’ve decided to make the jump to DPC by converting your existing practice then your current list of patients is going to be one of the very best sources to recruit new patients from. Rather than struggling to attract new patients from the outset, this method allows you to build a reliable client base while also maintaining the relationships of your current list of patients.

Convert Patients From Your Current Practice

Incentivize Patients

There are a number of incentives that you can offer new and existing patients to stay with you through the transition.

  • Consider offering a discount for patients who enroll early to your DPC clinic.
  • Canvas town halls and attend local meetings – take advantage of anywhere that offers you a platform and a chance to speak to local residents to share details about your clinic and how it can help the community.
  • Consider joining business organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce or your local BNI chapter and discussing the benefits of DPC with its members.
  • Demonstrate to patients in a practical way the money they will save by signing up your DPC clinic. See the attached flyer by Dr. Madsen that compares costs between standard insurance with his Direct Care clinic.

    View Comparing Costs Flyer

Inform Your Staff

It’s important to also educate and train your staff, as their feelings and knowledge about direct primary care will ultimately affect the message your patients receive.
While transitioning to DPC is beneficial to both doctors and patients, it’s understandable that not all patients will be happy with the change. It’s therefore important that you train your staff in order to have these tough and empathic conversations with patients who won’t be completely on board with the transition.

Some patients will leave, and that’s ok, we want everyone to find the right clinic for their needs. Be sure to provide the red carpet treatment to patients on the way out, because you might be surprised how many come back.

Notify Existing Patients

Determine the notice period that would like to give your existing patients.
It’s generally a good idea to provide ample notice and to send out multiple letters reminding them of your impending conversion. You should schedule these letters to send every four weeks for up to 12 weeks.

Keep the letters short – no more than a page. If you have any doubts about how to address these letters, speak to other doctors who have maintained their patient relationships through the transition to DPC. Take a look at the attached sample letter for additional inspiration.

View 1st Letter Sample